Book is in good shape with some wear to cover. Former owners name on first page. No markings to text. Ships in a box.
When the Renaissance finally reached Northern Europe, one of its most influential promulgators was Jan Vredeman de Vries (1527-16017). His books of architectural engravings opened new avenues of invention, and reflected the artistic crow currents of his day: both Northern and Southern elements are represented in a powerful combination expressive of the 16th-century Netherlands. And since the Netherlands were in many ways the center of the Northern Renaissance, Vredeman was also a principal messenger of the new style throughout Germany, Scandinavia and even the British Isles.
Perspective, the last and greatest of Vredeman's books, perpetuated not only the Renaissance interest in this subject, but also the important work done by Dürer, from whom Vredeman acquired much of his knowledge. The engravings are demonstrations of Vredeman's theories of perspective, and include exteriors of architectural structures, Gothic interiors, gardens, medieval towncapes, and views into domes or vaults and down many-tiered stairwells.
Yet Vredeman's principal interest for today's artist of art lover is his modernity. He has been considered one of the first precursors of surrealism because of the distinctly modern and dreamlike mood created by his depiction of barren architectural space. His vivid architectural imagination makes this an interesting browsing book for any art lover, since, as Adolf K. Placzek, Avery Library, Columbia University, says in his new Introduction, "Vredeman de Vries will continue to delight those who turn to him, as he has throughout the centuries."
73 plates reproduced from the 1604/5 edition, plus original tale pages and dedication pages with new translations by Stanley Appelbaum 2 portraits. New Introduction by Adolf K. Placek. xv+74pp. 11 3/8 x 8 1/4
20156-4 Paperbound
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